questions about oil cooler - 2.3l 5kq - update

geo gamills at
Thu Aug 2 22:34:19 EDT 2001

Howdy folks. A special thanks to Tony and Eyvind for their input. Picked
up the "new to me" cooler, lines, and a bonus, oil filter bracket, a
double bonus, all connected...frozen in time so to speak  :) I now know
that an 89 100 has the same parts for these $$$ items as my 87 5kq. I
wouldn't want to even try to break any connections on this beastie. The
new config looks at least ten years younger than the old
one...well...maybe five... The right side of the car has been
undercoated to amidships with some of the best oil east of the Great
Divide. This is good, have to get at the fuel lines while the sun

I luv this car...gonna drive it into the ground. I'm a happy man...on
the road again.

Best regards, and thanks again Tony "doghouse cooler" Lum, and Eyvind "I
guess there's a reason the factory installed it" Spangen :).

PS - If this happens again I'm going to bypass the cooler if I can't
find used parts. In the winter you can push it, in the summer don't.
Dealer parts here in Canada are ~$600 for cooler, ~$200 for each line.

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