Central Lock Problem

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Aug 4 17:06:43 EDT 2001

Check the insulation on the bundle of wiring where it's tied down inside 
the leading edge of the door and slide back the rubber cover on that same 
bundle in the doorjamb itself.  I'll bet you'll find broken insulation or 
(as I did recently on my '91 200q20vt) even broken wires.

At 01:05 PM 08/04/2001 -0400, BBBurban at aol.com wrote:

>Turns out the #19 fuse keeps blowing.... it isn't the radio ( i checked 
>the wiring) so what gives?  I love the way my "new" 90q20v drives but am 
>starting to get a bit frustrated.  Is there any type of electrical problem 
>i should be looking for?  I have the driver's side door apart but all i 
>see is a lot of wet componants ( is water supposed to be alowed in here?) 
>but no corrosion.  Any help would be great folks.
>Thanks again...
>Hank 90q20v

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