How to find vacuum leaks

Rob rbucci at
Sat Aug 4 19:11:42 EDT 2001

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the stalling directly related to the
removal of the oil cap or dipstick? In other words, isn't THAT your vacuum
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry C Leung" <l.leung at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: How to find vacuum leaks

> Well,
> Finally got my coolant expansion bottle, installed it and while waiting
> for the cooling fan to come on during the bleeding, I decided to do the
> dipstick test to see if some of the stumbling and hard starts might be
> vacuum related. Well, pull the dipstick, it stutters, loosen the oil cap,
> stutters worse, lift the cap, it finally stalls. Soooo, I have a vacuum
> leak. The problem, I can't tell where. The hoses I checked so far look
> good, I know I do need a valve cover gasket, but I can't tell if it's
> something else (it seems from the dipstick test that the leak is likely
> more severe than a mildly seeping valve cover gasket!). I recall someone
> on the list saying something about propane, but I'm not so sure what they
> said...
> LL - NY

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