stainless exhaust

crankshaft at crankshaft at
Sat Aug 4 22:54:19 EDT 2001

I have a stainless drivers seat which has held together very well. The
only thing I dont like is burning my rump on a hot summer day. Maybe
Aluminium would have been a better choice becouse of heat disipation? I
think a carbon steel would be a better choice but then black body
radiation might be a concern. Well I guess maybe the stock seat is the
overall best choice. Comfort, support, no rump burn, and hey the germans
put it in so who am I to complain?

> alan pritchard wrote:
> wow there tess, if i have offended you in anway with my previous post, i apologise, i agree ss exhaust systems arent always 100% ss, and if they are there is various grades of stainless,  if the guy you talked to specialized in headers, i would agree, that stainless steel is not the most suited material for headers (thats in my opinion wit some experiance with engineering materials).  Although a good quality ss exhaust sytem, ie from downpipe back, will always be far more desireable than a mild steel system of equal quality. That is for our use on the street (racers may have different opinions).  If anyone has any differing information, please feel free to pull me up on it. and to those i argue with, really, there is no offence meant by it

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