AC Problems - Low Pressure 93 90q w/ 134A

Brian O' briano_72 at
Tue Aug 7 04:11:19 EDT 2001

with the temps we just had, your 100 lbs of pressure
was just nothing more than air pressure probably. the
leaks in the evaps are useually very slow when they
start out. i take it the car was cold last year ????
my cars a/c lasted a year when i charged it for the
people i bought it from 3 years ago, last year i did
it again, right before thay were going to trade it,
instead i bought it, it last 1 month then. i found a
place on the web called cryochem, makes great freon
stop leak stuff for r-12, i did not want to convert
mine, 134 in 12 systems never cools as much and most
old 12 systems cannot handle the higher pressure.
anyway, its been over 2 summers and mine still pulls
32 degrese at the vents. the stuff worked great, it
was pricy for r-12 but much less than a $500 evap and
taking my entire dash out. there are good 134 stop
leak stuff out there too, but your goona have a hard
time finding adapters for the high side fitting, all
are for the low. you will need an a/c machine to
charge through the high side properly, if you make or
find something to do it yourself, do not charge while
the car is running !!!!!!!!! it will either not take
the charge or explode the can your holding. i have a
machine, and the cans of stop leak ,and have no way of
putting it in the high side, you need to take it to a
shop, have them break a hose fitting, install neon
dye, have them evac for an hour, pump full charge
freon in , then look for leaks and confirm its the
evap. then plan on spending the big bucks for dash
                                      brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80
88 944 turbo s ( for sale )
--- Robert Bauer <rbauer at> wrote:
> My in-laws and I both drive 93 90q's.  They don't
> have any AC right now.  I
> have the earlier model with R12, they have 134a.  I
> tested the pressure with
> the system off and got 100psi.  Started the car went
> to max AC and got
> 125psi.  I referenced the Bentley and it indicated
> something like 280psi is
> what it should be.
> I know that the evaporators go out on these cars. 
> But because I do have
> some increase in pressure, can I assume it's good. 
> Has anyone experienced a
> leak that was pressure based?
> How does one recharge a system with only a high
> pressure port?
> Any advise before they have to take it in would be
> appreciated.
> TIA,
> Robert Bauer
> 93 90q

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