
Tessie McMillan tessmc at
Tue Aug 7 10:00:17 EDT 2001

Larry, as usual, this was a GREAT post. Thanks for your $0.04! I still
find it interesting that the header guy -- who is highly respected in this
community -- refuses to work on stainless. He told me that he used to, but
every single system that he installed ended up cr*pping out within a year
of installation, and they rotted from the inside.

So did anyone answer Ben's *original question*, about a cheap source for
Stebro? or a replacement system?


p.s. you say SS is easier to weld? I thought it produced poisonous
gas (I only took a few months of welding, and we stuck with cold-rolled
steel, so my experience *is* pretty limited)

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Larry C Leung wrote:


> long term. For street cars, as long as I can afford it, I will use SS on
> a street car, though I'd have to admit, my Solo2 GTi has a coated mild
> steel Gillette exhaust, which is, by the way, losing the battle to the
> tin worm compared to my 200's SS exhaust, and it's newer (installed new
> in '92).
> Hope that clears things up a little,
> LL - NY (the (road) rust belt)

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