Instrument Cluster repair....

Allen Swett allens at
Tue Aug 7 17:58:35 EDT 2001

I apologize for the redundancy of this post.....
I've been searching  archives for the repair of intermittent connections in
the  instrument cluster in 2 of mine and 4 other local friends 200q's with
the same symptoms.  We're not having any probs with the speedo, rather when
headlights are on- directional lights are both on, certain portions of the
illumination bulbs are out, and some random scrambling of the auto check
display occurs.... The problem responds well to the ole official whack on
the dashboard trick, but lately I'm wondering what other damage I'll incur
with that adjustment...

   I have read Chris Millers repair procedure for the speedo problem, I'm
not sure that's gonad help me out.  So I'm assuming I'll be looking for a
bad wire/ground in the headlight switch/stalk, and perhaps cracked solder
connections on the actual board.  If anybody has been down this road lately
for these specific traits I'd sure appreciate any tips on what to look for.
 Looks like there's gonna be an instrument cluster-a-thon coming soon
around these parts..... 

I'd appreciate any insight!
Allen Swett
89 200q Avant "blinky"
91 200q Avant "blinkier"

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