cutout/stumble on an MC engine
james accordino
ssgacc at
Wed Aug 8 19:28:40 EDT 2001
Big thanks to all who replied. Everyone had the
identical answer. I'm not sure this is the problem as
the hose SEEMED fine. Visual and manual inspection
recently. The dash boost gauge never goes over 1.4
bar. The cutout is very short. Definitely less than
1 second. I have about 3 or 4 wastegates laying
around, but have never opened one. I will check the
diaphragm on the car and and hose and report. One
other symptom I noticed is that on a long steep
incline with throttle wide open and 1.4 bar indicated
the car takes forever to accelerate from say 85 to
110. It just doesn't seem to have any guts. Could
the weather (95* Fahrenheit and 85% humidity) have
anything to do with this? Is it possible I'm running
too lean a basic setting? Maybe time for a cutoff and
plug check? Again thanks for the responses and I'll
let you all know what I find.
Jim Accordino
--- Peter Berrevoets <pjberr at> wrote:
> Ah... the dreaded overboost cut-out; sort of like
> hitting a brick wall?
> Check that the big hose to the bottom of the
> wastegate hasn't crumbled with
> age and is leaking, preventing the wastegate from
> functioning properly.
> If that is fine, you may have a tear in the
> wastegate diaphragm, I don't
> know if wastegate frequency valve failure will allow
> for an overboost
> condition as well, but maybe someone else might.
> Cheers!
> Peter Berrevoets
> 1990 200TQ
> Toronto, Canada
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: quattro-admin at
> > >[mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> > >Behalf Of james accordino
> > >Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 11:26 PM
> > >To: audi list
> > >Subject: cutout/stumble on an MC engine
> > >
> > >
> > >I have a slight problem that so far has never
> happened
> > >to me. At 3/4 to full throttle and between 3500
> and
> > >5000 rpm the engine will cutout for less than 1
> second
> > >and then recover like nothing is wrong. Any
> ideas?
> > >Plugs, wires, cap and rotor are all brand new
> stock.
> > >Injectors, filter and pump are also new or nearly
> new.
> > > It just seems to drop dead, but for less than a
> > >second. It only happens once on any hard
> acceleration
> > >pass. Never at an exact rpm. Please throw some
> > >suggestions my way. BTW, I'm loving the fuel
> mileage.
> > > It had been dropping for a while. New injectors
> and
> > >ignition components seem to have worked wonders.
> 175
> > >miles to 3/4 of a tank and 500-600 per fill.
> > >Indicated mileage between 25 and 31 on the
> highway
> > >with some seriously hard driving. Also no more
> 10
> > >sec. crank time. Sometimes it starts instantly,
> other
> > >times on the second or third revolution.
> > >
> > >Thanks
> > >Jim Accordino
> > >
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