90q and 4000q interchangability

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Fri Aug 10 11:32:23 EDT 2001

WAUFX at aol.com writes:
> I recently acquired an 88 90q and a friend of mine bought an 89 90q. We are 
> wondering about the interchangability of suspension parts between those 2 
> cars and the 85-87 4000q since 4000q parts abound here in VT. Anyone know for 
> sure what is, what isn't? Also, will the gas tank from an 85-87 4000q fit an 
> 89 90q? Thanks in advance.

The fuel tanks are not interchangeable between the 84-87 4000q and the later
80q/90q.  Some suspension parts may be interchangeable, I'll let others
with BTDT to answer that.

01 S4 2.7 biturbo quattro
84 5000S 2.1 turbo
80 4000 2.0
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti at amb.org
 //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/

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