[urq] RE: In need of an MC head, and another question

Michael S. Williams mike at borderlinemotorsports.com
Fri Aug 10 14:29:29 EDT 2001

At 7:45 AM -0400 8/10/01, Beatty, Robert wrote:
>Complete heads from AoA are about 500$ and thats either brand new or fully

hmm...interesting, last time i made a call, they wanted 1400 for 
it.... Looks like i should make another one.

Also, to clarify:  I know that cracks between the valve seats are 
acceptable per bentley, and i know that i could get it rebuilt for 
less than $895, however, the head from blau seems to have a very nice 
performance rebuild done, including 40mm valves, 5-angle valve grind, 
ported and polished, new race-type valve springs, new guides, new 
studs, new lifters, etc etc....  BUT, they also state on the site 
that in order to use one's old head as a core, it must be free of all 
cracks.......otherwise their head costs 1295.  Since i know that i 
could easily buy a used one from one of you guys for alot less than 
400 dollars, that is where my motivation comes from for this.....

SO, that seems like a killer deal to me...of course, if anyone has 
had a negative experience with this particular option, i would like 
to hear about it.
Michael Sheridan Williams
Borderline Motorsports
San Francisco, CA

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