dumb questions #32, 33, 34

Jim Haseltine Jim at ur-q.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Aug 11 12:57:13 EDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: <BBBurban at aol.com>
>  <<#33 Yes its illegal but when was the last time a cop checked your car
>  one?  Exactly
> Can't argue about this one but would be interested to know how you know
> this... Tire tread is checked at inspection (those states that have it)
> depth but they don't seem to care about the tread depth or existence of a
> spare)

In the UK, all tyres have to be legal - if you've got a spare (and you don't
have to carry one) then it has to have legal tread and be kept at the
correct pressure too. Dunno if there are rules about directional tread
patterns - I carry a fullsize spare in my Ur-q but directionally it should
only be fitted to the righthand side of the car.
Recovery services generally aren't too happy if you call them out because
you haven't got a spare -
RAC Motoring Services terms of membership, general exclusions, item 11:
 'RAC membership does not cover: Any costs incurred as a result of you
failing to carry a serviceable spare tyre and wheel, appropriate to your
vehicle, caravan or trailer.
Please note: Motorised vehicles that are manufactured without the provision
of a spare wheel will be considered on their individual merits.'

I wonder how they treat an A2? It's supplied as standard without a spare but
there's space for it so you can buy one and carry it.
Suppose it depends on the recovery driver - better hope he's had a good


Jim Haseltine

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