Slick 50

John Larson j.d.larson at
Sat Aug 11 12:23:10 EDT 2001

My remarks were directed at "Slick 50" only.  MMO is useful in many ways,
both in engines and as a general lubricant for things like air tools.  It
closely resembles perfumed kerosene, however.  Redline is a line of rather
expensive synthetic oils, and their gear oil is often discussed on this
list.  Many find it wanting.  HTH, John

Do I HAVE to genuflect? :),

----- Original Message -----
From: "Horace K. Sawyer" <hksawyer at>
To: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>; <tessmc at>;
<quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Slick 50

> At 09:57 AM 8/11/01 -0700, John Larson wrote:
> >The term "Slick 50" might just as well refer to their sales staff.  The
> >various parent entities are under a federal injunction that (more or
> >restricts their advertizing to a statement of the price.  Avoid it like
> >plague.  Sludge build up is one of the major side effects, BTW, the other
> >being a slight lightening in the weight of your wallet.  HTH, John
> BUT the often misunderstood product MMO does have excellent cleaning
> properties.  Not at all like Slick 50.  Two entirely different animals.
> In fact, MMO is quite marvelous.  : )  Be careful in using high doses.
> hk
> 98 Audi Quattro flagship
> (please salute when I pass)
> thanks for the respect

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