Help needed for t-piece

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Aug 12 11:25:56 EDT 2001

You might check with places in the Yellow Pages that sell parts for lawn 
sprinkler systems.  I think I've seen plastic tees very similar to what you 
described.  Maybe part of vacuum or positive air control valve systems.  Is 
the NAPA tee threaded?  A half-inch threaded tapered barb for 1/4 inch air 
hose might thread in.  The other possibility would be gluing plastic parts 
together.  Again, I'd look at a hardware store for maybe a combination of 
brass barbed fittings and sprinkler system plastic barbed fittings.

At 09:35 PM 08/11/2001 -0700, Ti Kan wrote:

>Hi all,
>In trying to plumb in an idle-boost valve for my 4000's A/C system, I
>am in need of a T-piece that's fits an 1/2" I.D. rubber hose on both
>"straight" ends, and the tee-end would fit an 5/16" hose, something
>like this (use fixed width font to view this ASCII art correctly):
>            +-------+
>      1/2"  |       |  1/2"
>(or 13mm)  +--+ +--+  (or 13mm)
>               | |
>               +-+
>               5/16"
>             (or 8mm)
>I need two pieces of this gizmo.  I plan to cut the existing 13mm I.D.
>hoses for the CIS auxiliary air regulator, put in the tee, and
>use the 5/16" end to run hoses to the idle boost valve (which has
>8mm hose barbs).
>Looking through the family album I found something that looks like what
>I need (part # 049 103 693) but this part has a restriction built into
>one of the 13mm ends (for crankcase ventilation) which I don't want.
>I searched many the auto parts stores and hardware stores locally and
>even thought about making one using air and plumbing fittings, but came
>up empty.  I don't want to use too many big and heavy metal adapters
>and couplings.  Pep Boys and Kragen have something that looks right
>(Help! brand heater hose tee for Ford cars) but the sizes are too big.
>NAPA has a t that's 1/2" on all three sides, but there does not appear
>to be anothing that could reduce a 1/2" to a 5/16".
>Any idea how I might achieve this?  Is there another VW/Audi part
>that is what I describe?  Or perhaps a part from another car manufacturer?
>Wishful thinking, but maybe one of you would have a couple of these things
>that you would be willing to part with?
>Thanks in advance,
>01 S4 2.7 biturbo quattro
>84 5000S 2.1 turbo
>80 4000 2.0
>     ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>    ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>   ///    ti at
>  //////

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