Speaker Recommendations

Jörgen Karlsson jorgen.m.karlsson at home.se
Sun Aug 12 22:44:45 EDT 2001

I don't think Quart is the right speaker, I find them a bit bright.

Dynaudio is nice but it is a pain to install them, my second best system
ever used 17W75XL and D28AF speakers. This was 1988, a friend bought those
speakers from me a few years later. Four years ago he got both woofers
replaced on warranty because one of them was damaged, this was without a
recipt. They only checked the revision number on the speaker, that showed
that the speaker was less then ten years old.

A friend and I found that Pioneers new aluminum coaxials is pretty good, the
sales person had to trick us into listening to them but it was the best
speaker in the shop. The only thing that I remember is that the cone is blue
and that the 4,5 and 6" speakers was a lot better then the other speakers in
the store. Inexpensive too.


> Boston Acoustics, Quart and Dynaudio come to mind...speaking from personal
> experience with all three brands

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