our fibbing, evil buddy is back on ebay with a new name

Rave Racer Ravewar at home.com
Sun Aug 12 21:27:55 EDT 2001

    Cool, what does that thing at the end mean "Vorsprung durch Technik"
Maybe it can be part of our secret handshake.  What's the saying on the

       Rave Racer
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe

> I don't see any smilies, so I'll take this post seriously. I am not
> advocating any illegal actions against this guy, I just offered to
> check out a location to see if it was legit.
> The motodyne website only lists a Philadelphia PO Box, which to me is
> very suspect in and of itself. There's no way I'm doing business with
> an unknown that only lists a PO Box as its place of business.
> The disclaimer they have on their website is quite nasty as well.
> As for gangs, I'm in the quattro gang, not crips, bloods or anything
> else. :-) Vorsprung durch Technik!
> Taka

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