dumb questions #32, 33, 34

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Aug 12 21:04:10 EDT 2001

I rather doubt that they are stamped of sheet aluminum, AL is really not
strong enoug for that. Forged OTOH, but boy will you pay.....


On Sun, 12 Aug 2001 00:33:13 -0500 (CDT) Virtual Bob <hey9811 at yahoo.com>
>> > The questions get dumber and dumber: I'm starting to remove things 
>to get
>> > rid of weight.
>> inner door panels, glove box, trunk liner, massive hunks of iron 
>used in
>> the PROCONTEN system (bolted to floor boards and transmission), all 
>> parts of course and then maybe the aux radiator, brake vacuum pump, 
>> battery to trunk, sunroof & motor!, all speakers and radio, power 
>> regs though manuals may be tough to find, power lock pump & widgets, 
>> unit if it is at all flaky.
>On the topic of light and lighter... Are there any retailers that 
>"stamped" aluminium wheels? You know, it looks like stamped steel 
>except aluminium is used. I know elsewhere in the world have them, but 
>never seen it sold in the U.S. There are U.S. wheel manufacturers that 
>make them, but they don't sell them directly to individuals nor do 
>give out infos either.
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