[urq] RE: In need of an MC head, and another question

Jim Haseltine Jim at ur-q.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Aug 13 23:20:30 EDT 2001

US$500 is cheap if its for a MC head.

Audi UK prices are
 WR head GBP320 + tax (376), MB head GBP550 + tax (646).

Figure an exchange rate of 1.40 and this makes WRs US$526, MBs US$904.


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org>
To: "'Michael S. Williams'" <mike at borderlinemotorsports.com>; "Beatty,
Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org>; <urq at audifans.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] RE: In need of an MC head, and another question

> well this was all mentioned late last year or early this year by phil
> out in the UK and he was trying to figure out if they were rebuilding the
> heads or just providing new ones...
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael S. Williams [mailto:mike at borderlinemotorsports.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 4:29 PM
> To: Beatty, Robert; urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] RE: In need of an MC head, and another question
> At 7:45 AM -0400 8/10/01, Beatty, Robert wrote:
> >Mike,
> >
> >Complete heads from AoA are about 500$ and thats either brand new or
> >rebuilt.
> >
> hmm...interesting, last time i made a call, they wanted 1400 for
> it.... Looks like i should make another one.
> Also, to clarify:  I know that cracks between the valve seats are
> acceptable per bentley, and i know that i could get it rebuilt for
> less than $895, however, the head from blau seems to have a very nice
> performance rebuild done, including 40mm valves, 5-angle valve grind,
> ported and polished, new race-type valve springs, new guides, new
> studs, new lifters, etc etc....  BUT, they also state on the site
> that in order to use one's old head as a core, it must be free of all
> cracks.......otherwise their head costs 1295.  Since i know that i
> could easily buy a used one from one of you guys for alot less than
> 400 dollars, that is where my motivation comes from for this.....
> SO, that seems like a killer deal to me...of course, if anyone has
> had a negative experience with this particular option, i would like
> to hear about it.
> --
> Michael Sheridan Williams
> Borderline Motorsports
> Co-Owner/Publicist
> San Francisco, CA
> http://www.borderlinemotorsports.com
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