[V8] Re: Blaupunkt woes solved . . . for now

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Aug 14 15:13:34 EDT 2001

At 01:48 PM 08/14/2001 -0400, David Head wrote:

>  Not a job for the mechanically challenged. I'd still like
>to find a place to buy the 1-2mm or so allen wrench needed to pull the 
>side screws

My off-the-shelf-at-FLAPS  set of T-handle metric allen wrenches includes a 
2 mm.  So does the allen wrench set that was about all I salvaged from my 
old M-B 230SL when I traded it in on the contractor's bill for my wife's 
studio building.

Are you sure they're allen-head screws?  The tiny fasteners in the V8 light 
switch I took apart were #6 torx head, which is about the same size as a 
2mm allen.  Sears here had nice little torx screwdrivers, those kind with 
the swivel built into the end of the handle.  Their catalog lists torx 
screwdrivers down to #5, but the store didn't have any.  Luckily, the 
switch screws were #6 or 7, I can't remember for sure.  Threw me for a loop 
when a 2mm allen didn't fit into the socket. 

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