CV Boots for Center Driveshaft

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Aug 14 17:35:24 EDT 2001

At 02:55 PM 08/14/2001 -0400, S. Jaworski wrote:

>I've rebuilt 2 center drive shafts and 2 front half shafts. I dont recall if
>I replaced the boots on the center drive shaft. But, if memory serves me
>right, the cv joint and boot are similar if not the same as the inboard
>joint and boot on a half shaft. Lobro is the company that makes the joint
>and boots . . they may be listed under GKN Automotive.
>The parts will not appear on the family album because Audi only lists the
>entire drive shaft as a part. They do not consider the center drive shaft
>repairable . . . . .but we audi nuts know better.

I wonder why Bentley fails to mention the boots in the description of how 
to remove the center driveshaft?  The description from Bently 39-160 & 161:

1. Raise the vehicle on a two-pillar hoist.
2. Remove catalytic converter and exhaust pipe.
3. Remove crossmember (if present).
4. Loosen bolts securing driveshaft to transmission, rear final drive and body.
5. Install alignment tool (#3189) and tighten plastic nuts.
6. Mark rear driveshaft flange and final drive flange for realignment (if 
not previously marked).
7. Support driveshaft and alignment tool and remove mounting bolts at body.
8. Remove driveshaft and alignment tool.

The installation is, as usual, the reverse of the removal.

I can't imagine they'd leave out boot removal if boots are present, 
regardless of Audi's opinion that the driveshaft is not repairable. 

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