Giving Up On 4kq Clunk

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Aug 14 17:40:47 EDT 2001

Just can't resist:  Did you check the inside of the rear door where the 
clunking is?  I have a clunk in the rear of a V8 that I suspect is from the 
dead windowinder previously diagnosed for PO by a mechacknic, who, I'm 
guessing, just left the damned thing hanging loosely.

At 03:11 PM 08/14/2001 -0500, Christopher Flanner wrote:

>After spending countless hours under my 4kq, sending it to 3 mechanics, 
>replacing every suspect bushing, posting many questions to the list, etc., 
>I am giving up on fixing my 4kq rear end clunk.  I'll spare you the 
>details of my quest to rid either of my 4kq's of their clunks.  Thanks for 
>the advice over the course of my quest.  (Please don't reply to this 
>recommending that I check the differential mounts, subframe bushings, 
>center support bearing, u-joint, CVs, muffler hangers, etc. as I have 
>checked and/or replaced them and many more parts :)
>Now that I've given up on prepping a 4kq for a turbo transplant I must 
>find an 80 or 90 quattro to receive the MC turbo engine.  I've been 
>looking online for a while to find an 80q or 90q but nothing's quite 
>worked out.  Is anyone trying to sell one?  It'll go to a great home!
>The 4kq that was slated to receive the MC engine is otherwise a beautiful 
>car.  A former professor of mine wants to buy it, clunk and all.  I hope 
>it's not like a Twilight Zone episode where the car passes from owner to 
>owner driving each one insane.  He's been warned.
>Thanks for listening,
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