Pilot Bearing

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Wed Aug 15 11:53:45 EDT 2001

The NG 2.3 uses a small sealed bearing (like a small wheel bearing) held in 
the flywheel with 2 circlips, very easy to remove unlike earlier cars with 
the bearing imbedded in the crank.  

The dealer wanted over $80 for the part last I checked, but a local bearing 
supply store got me one for about $15.


In a message dated 8/15/2001 7:43:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
urq at pacbell.net writes:

 > I was going to replace the pilot bearing during the NG rebuild, but it
 > requires a special tool according to Bently.  I may be able to get a hold
 > the t >>

<<My strongest advice is to make sure that you have the correct part before
attempting to install it!  On the 4kSQ I was told that there were two
possible parts ... and I chose a very nice looking one that appeared to be
sealed better than the original.  Unfortunately the bearing was too small
for the pilot shaft and I couldn't get the tranny to fully engage ... turned
a weekend project into a month long one.  It is a very simple matter to test
fit the new bearing on the tranny's pilot shaft before installing it.

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)>>

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