why i drive an audi

Dave Eaton Dave.Eaton at clear.net.nz
Sat Aug 18 11:55:14 EDT 2001

it was a piece of tarmac, with a sharp right hander at the end, over the
brow of a hill.  i heard a knarly scream of an engine, a flash of yellow and
this machine comes hurtling over the crest.  stationed at the bottom of the
short straight before the turn, i pushed the shutter of my camera, and 2
things happened.  i had my 1st decent motorsport shot, and i had begun
something which would develop into an active hobby, and take me to some
marvellous places for the next 10 years.  and i had met my 1st audi quattro,
driven very fast by a beautiful woman.

although only 15, i was hooked.  i resolved that, one day, i was going to
own one of those cars.

it is my connection to a time of my life where impressions were formed,
values set, and much fun was had, but somehow it has transcended this and
although much time has elapsed, and my ur-quattro (my 2nd) has now got a
fitting for a baby seat in the back, it is now a part of the family also.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

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