90q 4spd conversion, hadn't planned on it, 5th gone?

nde264 at lulu.it.northwestern.edu nde264 at lulu.it.northwestern.edu
Sat Aug 18 02:11:16 EDT 2001

Drove my 89 90q home to Dayton from Chicago today, and when coming down Lake 
Shore Drive, I realized that I couldn't shift into 5th.  It was kind of like 
having a 4 speed with reverse next to fourth.  At the next light, I tried to 
shift through the gears, and when I got to fifth, it put up quite a bit of 
resistance.  Wouldn't shift all the way into gear.  When I removed it from 
fifth, the shifter felt like it was rubbing against something until I put it 
into fourth, or any other gear, after which, it sprung back to center when I 
removed it from gear like usual. 

I can't remember doing anything that would have put the transmission's life in 
jeopardy.  Did stall it on accident while in a parking spot, thought it was in 
neutral, let out clutch, oops.  Last time I used fifth was this past tuesday. 

Transmission shifts fine into reverse, first, second, third, fourth. 

Is it possible that it's just linkages, or am I in for another transmission 
swap (had original replaced a month ago with 61k mi used replacement, shop said 
it was in great shape).  If it is the transmission, does anyone want a 89 90q 
4spd manual? 


Nathan Engelbert 
89 90q 

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