((back from europe)) blow off valve vs. bypass valve ?

jim rose sf5ktq at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 18 15:25:06 EDT 2001

hey all,

well im back from "the continent" and all i have to say is wow. mindblowing 
(1st time). italy, france, spain, prague, amsterdam...  just SO rad. and the 
cars.... OH, the cars....

Also wanted to shout a big, fat THANX to all the people who were kind and 
enthusiastic enuff to offer travel advice pre-takeoff. you know who you are!

heres linx to pix of 2 rs4's i shot in the wild tundra of toulouse, FR and 
Praga, CZ, respectively (the rest of my trip is there too, if anyone cares 
to live a month in europe vicariously... :)


AUDI CONTENT:  why does noone use a blowoff valve in the 44 cars vs. the 
bypass valve? i assume theres a good reason, but what is it? it seems a blow 
valve would be a whole lot easier to install.



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