4000Q 5-bolt Conversion

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Sun Aug 19 12:40:59 EDT 2001

Gary, I think the problem is that you need 20v uprights that use the bigger 
bearing.  All 80/90 10v front bearing carriers are the same, the 20v uses a 
bigger bearing and bigger CV, I believe the 20v lower carrier will swap into 
the 10v strut housing, the 20v cars have a wider track, but it is a function 
of the strut housing, not the carrier.  I have been planning this upgrade (to 
the 20v/B4) carrier for some time.


In a message dated 8/19/2001 6:34:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Gary.Kaklikian at compaq.com writes:

<< n the front, we're trying to use 90Q uprights, 4000Q rear axles (on
 opposite sides) and 5000tq hubs.  But, neither the 90Q 10v wheel bearing
 housing (lower piece of the 2-piece strut assembly) or the 90Q 20v wheel
 bearing housing will work. With the 10v part, the 5000tq hub binds against
 the housing with the wheel bearing installed.  I believe the 10v housing I
 have is from a late '89-'90 90Q, since it has the  receptable for the ABS
 sensor.  Is the '88-early'89 housing the proper piece to use with the 5000tq
 hubs?  Is there a difference between the 90Q and 90fwd housings? Will the
 5000tq hubs work at all with a 90Q wheel bearing housing?  

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