No digidash swap...going to rebuilt the UrQ!

F. Stolp fstolp at
Wed Aug 22 18:42:11 EDT 2001

Hi all,

Last week I did some posting regarding swapping an analogue dash to a
Thx for all who replied.

BUT: the UrQ who was about to be parted out will be rebuilt completely (lets
do the wave!).

I picked it up last saturday and drove it to the barn where we would inspect
the car and decide what to do. I already made up my mind: I wanted all those
highly wanted goodies to put in my Coupe quattro and spares for my UrQ.
But while driving, I noticed that the car drove fine. The interior & dash
where perfect, handling was ok....hmmmm....I started to hesitate.

I arrived at the barn and some others came out (attracted to that lovely
5-cil sound of course!). Our technical guy almost immediatly told me that he
would kick my a** if I really would part out such a fantastic car. :)
Well....he's got a point there. After all: it's an UrQ!

Ok...well...ehmm.....what to do?? (I really wanted those goodies!)

After some talk I (we) decided NOT to part out the car.
We agreed that he would buy the car from me and will completely rebuilt it
in the oncoming years (knowing him, that could easily become 5 years....or
Of course I didn't make any profit on that....after all: he's our technical
man and he maintains all my cars....and the cars of some of our clubmembers.

Of course I made some pics, they're over here:
As you guys can see, the outside is in quit bad shape.
On the other hand, the engine runs fine, handling was ok and it has some
interessting extra's: sunroof, aircon, power windows & mirrors and a power
BTW: I bought it for US$1400,- which is quit a bargain I must say!

Of course the whole rebuilding proces will be photographed and put online,
but it might take some time before we can even make a start.

I'll keep you posted!

Ferry Stolp
the Netherlands

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