83 Coupe poor running after start

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Aug 23 10:37:04 EDT 2001

How old are the plug wires?

At 04:00 AM 08/23/2001 -0400, George Selby wrote:

>When you first start-up the car cold, it fires right up, but takes a 
>minute to produce any power (If you give any throttle, it 
>sputters.)  After you get going it does have normal power.  When you stop 
>and restart a short time later, it takes longer to start than a cold 
>start.  Also it has little power, and sputters and bucks.  It takes a 
>block or so to clear out and start accelerating normally.
>A week ago it wouldn't start at all.  I examined the rotor and cap, and 
>the rotor was actually fried, and the cap was in horrible condition.  I 
>replaced both.  I have previously replaced the spark plugs, and played 
>with the timing a bit (adjusted for max power before pinging, then backed 
>off a couple of degrees.)  It has exhibited the same conditions before the 
>after all the above mods (did the plugs first, then the timing, then the 
>cap and rotor.)
>George Selby
>70 F-100 Ranger XLT 400 C6
>78 F-150 4x4 400 4 spd
>83 Audi Coupe GT
>86 Nissan 300ZX
>92 Subaru Legacy Wagon AWD
>gselby4x4 at earthlink.net

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