Still in the dark
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Fri Aug 24 10:07:11 EDT 2001
I think your problem is in the switches on the steering column. I'd bet
that you'll find partially melted connectors on the wiring harnesses to the
switch assembly. Lights draw too much power and routing it through the
switch causes the wiring there to overheat and melt the plastic connector
housings. Then the plastic contaminates the connections so that the
circuits no longer work. If the connectors haven't been destroyed, you can
clean them up and reestablish proper contacts that will work provided you
relay the headlights to eliminate the huge power draw through the
switch. If you don't do the relay, cleaning up will only work temporarily
before the same problem reoccurs. I've BTDT.
At 06:44 PM 08/24/2001 +1200, e2e wrote:
> 200tqa 1990
>To follow up my posting the other day, my headlights still don't go. Help me
>through my logic train and see if you can help....
>No high or low beam or fogs.
>Park lights go. Main beam flash goes = nothing wrong with bulbs or headlight
>wires etc.
>Fuses ok,connections under fuses ok = nothing wrong with fuse box.
>Stripped cleaned and tested headlight switch and dip/main switch assembly,
>all A OK, so nothing wrong there.
>The bizarre thing is that the low beams go when the right hand indicator is
>on, which would sort of point to melted wires somewhere, although no wires I
>have inspected so far show any stress at all.
>Standard bulbs and no relays, euro (kiwi actually) lights. Right hand drive.
>Are the fuses primary or secondary to the switch gear? Where does the supply
>come from to the switch? What the #$%& does the indicator have to do with it
>all anyway?
>Sorry I don't have a Bentley , could some kind soul scan off the relevant
>page to send off list??
>sam at
>Sam Clarkson
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