4000 side molding

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Tue Aug 28 08:59:19 EDT 2001

Sorry to chime in late, but two things to note.

First, if you want to take the molding off, find some of the plastic binding
material that they use to strap bales of newspapers together with.  If you
take that, and fit it under the edge of the molding, you can use the plastic
as a saw, to cut the molding off.  Won't bend it up, in case you decide to
put it back on, and won't ruin the paint.  You will still have to remove the
double-sided foam tape left on the door when done.

Second, note that when you take the moldings off, your doors will have a
tinny, cheap sound to them.  My passenger side front molding is missing on
my 86' 4kcsq thanks to the PO, and that door sounds like it is a cheap
aftermarket.  It's the original door, nothing is loose in it, but it sounds
like the door is made of tinfoil.  Friend removed all of his moldings, and
all the doors sound this way.  Weird as it sounds, the moldings help to
stiffen the sheet metal on the outside skin of the door to prevent the

Just something to note.

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

>there are no holes to fill if you remove it.  just ugly nasty glue to

Matt Daniels wrote:
> Part of the black molding on my '86 4kq has been lifting off, and I have
> contemplated just removing it and the rest of the molding. Before I
> attempt it, just wanted to find out if there are others here that have
> done a similar process. My Bentley manual shows that it's only adhesive
> holding it on, but I would like to find out some real world experience.
> Don't want to start tearing it off only to find out I'm going to need to
> patch some holes.
> Thanks,
> Matt Daniels
> '86 4kcsq
> '00 A4 1.8T Avant (gone)
> '93 90S (gone)

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