Starter Question - 88 80q

Bhatti, Mohammed Mohammed.Bhatti at
Tue Aug 28 13:53:04 EDT 2001


Seems that I'm having problems with my starter, especially when the
temperatures are high.  First thing in the morning, no problems starting.
After having driven maybe 20-30 minutes and then turning off and letting it
sit for a while (more than 5 minutes) and then trying to start, that's when
the problems start.  If I turn the key, get a 'kchuuung...kchuuung' sound.
Have to turn the ignition maybe 2-3 times to start.  After each kchuung,
I'll pause maybe 3-5 seconds, try again and then it'll start.

So, question is, I'm not sure if it's the starter or the ignition switch.
Any ideas how what to check?  How easy/hard are the starter/ignition switch
to replace?

Any feedback appreciated.

88 80q

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