80tq drag racing- Intercooler reevaluation [long]

Tom antiriced at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 29 16:39:52 EDT 2001

hmm, I think you should consider the ambient airflow through the core some
more. Audis tend to run higher underhood temps than I've noticed with other
cars. I have a feeling this is due to poor venting of the engine
comparment - although the side mounted radiator isn't helping. Even a large
front mount will quickly be rendered useless if there is no place for air to
escape from the rear. The IC becomes a large heat sink rather than heat
exchanger at that point. Your spearco core looks plenty big - unfortunately
there is a timing cover directly behind it :-(

Depending on your asthetic reservations, some carefully located holes in the
hood might help.


> From: JShadzi at aol.com
> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:15:39 EDT
> Subject: Re: 80tq drag racing- Intercooler reevaluation [long]
> To: <edshred2000 at yahoo.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>, <urq at audifans.com>
> Well, not sure, one thing is that it is using less boost and more
displacement to get the same amount of power (or so), I am running 18psi in
a 2.2, and attempting to replace displacement with boost.  Also, the S4 has
a much more advanced management, so it can cut boost when temps get high and
still get down the track, where my boost is manual, all the way no matter
what  =)
> Javad
> In a message dated Wed, 29 Aug 2001 12:36:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ed
armstrong <edshred2000 at yahoo.com> writes:
> >
> > Hmm, what makes the S4tt setup work so well ?? Its intercooler is
smaller than yours, right ? Maybe your boost was set too high for these
> >

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