Location - Fault activation??

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Aug 29 17:52:51 EDT 2001

There are connectors behind the removeable kick panels in the footwell of 
your car, Kevin.  Scott Mockry's wonderful Audi turbo website  has info on 
fault code reading at:  http://www.teleport.com/~scottmo/ecuf.html

At 07:30 AM 08/29/2001 -0700, Kevin Clinton wrote:

>I have a 1989 Audi 200 QT.  I was told I could access the fault activation 
>through connectors located in the driver side footwell.  Unless those 
>germans are far more flexible than us middle age americans ain't no 
>way.  Can't find any connectors within reasonable reach.
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