10v boost, was 1/4 mile...

Just Taylor audi at lart.com
Thu Aug 30 10:43:31 EDT 2001

At 05:49 PM 08/29/2001, Jukka Majanen wrote:

>I just wanted to post You a couple of files about 10v
>turbocharged engines ( I love ; ).
>At this url You can find those:
>It is a 3.3M video of an old Audi accelerating at the 4:th
>gear from 65 to 135mph in few seconds. Switch the sound
>on, it is the best part of it :))))

That was awesome!  And here I thought my wifes 2.7T was fast!!!  What kind 
of power would the car have to produce for such a fast acceleration at speed?

'89 Audi 200
'01 Audi A6 2.7T

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