Tool 2070/1 Front strut replacement BTDT

Dan Hamren dan at
Thu Aug 30 11:15:58 EDT 2001

To change the struts... you can use the tool 2070-1 (if indeed that is the
long pipe with a socket hole on one end and a large nut welded to the other
end) I borrowed one from my mechanic.. It was pretty jack up the
corner you are working one not so the wheel is off the ground but up enough
to work around the spring.  MARK the top strut bearing(bushing) so that when
you replace it with the new one it goes back in the same EXACT spot.  Take
off the bearing/bushing... then either use the tool 2070-1 with the welded
nut side down.. and slide it down the strut shaft.. this will now go into
the lock nut further down on the strut.. If you don't have the tool.. you
can take off your wheel and use a large slip joint pliers to take off the
nut.. This will be hard to do.. but I guess from what some people on the
list have done .. works..  once you have the nut off.. you can pull the
strut out of the top through the engine bay.. without messing around with
the springs.. put the new strut in.. DID YOU REMEMBER THE NEW BOOT? I
recommend doing this at the same time.. Did the kit come with two large
washers?? if so put them around the strut shaft BEFORE the locking nut
(looks like a gold mushroom cap...hex top and threads on the inside) The
washers will shore up the nut and the strut..I didn't know what it was for..
and had to go back and do it again cause it was making A LOT of noise over
bumps.. Ok once you have tightened up the nut.. with the pliers or tool
2070-1 you can put the bearing back (again in the same spot as the original)
tighten up everything.. and your done! For that side anyway...  I did this
on my 87 5000 csqa 2 years ago so.. I hope its the same for your car (I
think it is) and I hope I didn't leave anything out..


Dan Hamren  Redwood City California
1996 A6 avant
lots O' former Audis

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