Japanese cars/ Audi ,RE: Type $$ is testing me

Avi Meron avim at pacbell.net
Fri Aug 31 10:26:48 EDT 2001

As much as MOST of us would like to disagree with you................you are
defiantly correct! There is hardly any doubt.  If anybody "has any issues
with your comment" all they have to do is look at Consumer Report trouble
index and JD power survey.
If you ever cared to know just ask me about the troubles that DC (the German
division) is having, you would think that Audi is a cakewalk! You can also
ask about VW, you would be amazed....................(of the level of
I don't know that German cars will EVER reach the Japanese level of quality,
but they are a lot closer than they used to be...............

In our view (I take the liberty to speak for some of us) there is more to a
car than just the sum of the troubles it has!
Some of us buy a car via a "spread sheet analysis" and some of us are more
involved............. as a rule of thumb this list consist more of the
first.............read enthusiasts.

Good luck in your next car,

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of josh Wyte
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 5:37 AM
To: ti at amb.org
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Type $$ is testing me

My parents are great fans of Japanese cars.  They
refused to buy German for many years, but for an
unrelated reason.

I watched them put over 130k miles on several Hondas,
Acura Legends, Toyota Supras and Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4
(talk about a car with gadgets, and none of them
broke!) with just tires, brakes and clutches. (My Dad
is hard on clutches)

They now have 2 A4's and while everything has been
fixed under warranty they've spent more time in the
shop than my parents previous 4 cars.  My Dad is going
to sell the A4's when their warranty expires and step
into a Lexus.

I know it's a generalization, and anything mechanical
can and will break, but it sure seems like the
Japanese cars are much more reliable than their German

I'm beginning to wonder if people are mistaking all
these mechanical breakdowns with the car having
"character".  I love my A4, but I'm selling it when it
turns 95k miles.  I have neither the money nor the
patience to dump large amounts of cash into it when I
could use that money as a downpayment on a new car.


Josh Wyte
Momentum Motorsports
508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST

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