Holy Ticket Batman

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at email.msn.com
Mon Dec 3 13:56:07 EST 2001

    Well the radar equipment he zapped me with is a Genesis I.  According to
specs this radar isn't reliably capable of catching my speed in this
situation, especially when you add a dip in the road which both of us where
heading into while in a sharp corner.  It doesn't have any really special
functions involving oncoming traffic and they do not list error range for
oncoming traffic that I can find.  The way more advanced Genesis II doesn't
even have these functions downpacked, only the Genesis VP can accurately
grab oncoming speed with a speed locking mechanism, even then it's 2-3mph
off according to the manufacturer.  So there is a bargaining point there,
plus I am searching for laws regarding radar maintenance scheduling in VT.

    Once informed with all these little bits I will contact the prosecutor
and chat.  I've been to court once before and I got the ticket taken down
just by talking with the prosecutor face to face.  It's ridiculous to say I
was going that fast and I am surprised the cop didn't realize his radar
merchine might not have been working entirely accurately.  I was NOT even
doing 60mph and this time I am going to fight it.  I would think that the
prosecutor probably knows that it's impossible to go that fast through that
section of roadway unless the tires are screaming, which they weren't.

Time to go fact finding,

Alexander van Gerbig -- '90 90q20v -- '88 80t (R.I.P)

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