Lee M. Levitt
lee at
Mon Dec 3 15:44:50 EST 2001
"Alexander van Gerbig" <Audi_80 at> writes:
> Well the radar equipment he zapped me with is a Genesis I.
stuff snipped...
> Once informed with all these little bits I will contact the prosecutor
and chat.
stuff snipped...
> Time to go fact finding,
And Jim Green writes:
> If they give you any crap about the ticket, demand
> that they bring an expert on the radar gun in. Since
> it is so new I doubt they will be able to find any one
> and will probably drop it.
Unfortunately, in most courts, you're presumed guilty. And the radar gun has
the weight of evidence behind it, so demanding that *they* bring an expert
in will get nothing more than snickers from the judge and a dropped gavel.
If *you* want to challenge the radar gun, *you* must supply the expert. And
this has to be a recognized expert, live and in person, not something you
found off the 'net.
If I were you, I'd stick the facts as I knew them. You were speeding, but
not doing 70.
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