Speeding Tickets, fighting thereof

Zsolt zed123 at telusplanet.net
Mon Dec 3 17:55:00 EST 2001

There are the really stupid cops as well. I had a friend who was stopped
because he ran a red light. The truth was, it was so slippery that he
could not stop in time. (If you ever drove in -30C after a snow storm
you know what I mean)

My friend went to court, and he heard the cop stating how he was
following this car across the city etc, etc. None of which was true.
When it was my friend's turn to question the guy, he asked him to check
his records if he worked the time he stated that all this happened,
because it was not AM but PM.

They let my friend go...

superba wrote:

> Hi All,
> I couldn't find the real beginning of the thread so I'm striking out on my
> own.  FWIW:  I've had (2) traffic tickets in Northern California in the past
> 2 years, one in Belmont and one in Newark.  I successfully challenged both
> following the procedures in _Fight_Your_Traffic_Ticket_and_Win_, ordered
> from Nolo Press, Berkeley.
> I used a technique called Written Declaration, a California procedure only?,
> in challenging both.  I won the first by default because the Officer failed
> to respond in writing;  quite possibly because his superiors reasoned "you
> can write a dozen tickets while you try to justify this one".  I won the
> second because the Officer was livid when he wrote the ticket and listed the
> location as an intersection that doesn't exist because the (2) streets named
> are parallel.  Moreover, I requested the written records of the officer and
> he had tried to cover up his mistake by revising the computer input records.
> I pointed this out in my Written Declaration, and the judge decided for me.
> Almost all of law enforcement will tell you to be more careful and don't
> fight tickets or go to traffic school, but I take the position that I never
> know when I'll get another one.  Even now, over a year after the last one, I
> still feel uptight about getting another ticket.  I'm a little safer by
> being more aware.
> I advocate fighting most tickets except in the situations where you reach
> the point of diminishing returns.
> My .02.
> Cheers!
> Jim Jordan

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