KH intake manifold flow vs. MC

Ameer Antar ameer at
Wed Dec 5 16:45:44 EST 2001

I have a KH...yep, it says turbo on the intake manifold...there is a plug in
it for the air-temp sensor, rather than in the intercooler. I don't know
what other differences are, and I don't know about flow...but my guess is
that the KH may be slightly smaller..for better low end vs. high rpm, simply
cuz the engine makes 20hp less. I doubt that there would be much difference
on an MC motor, cuz I think much of the power comes from the cam, but only
at high rpm. The higher 8.3:1 comp on the KH also helps it start quicker
down low.


----- Original Message -----

> From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at>
> To: quattro at
> Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 09:57:43 -0700
> Subject: KH intake manifold flow vs. MC
> Reply-to: auditude at
> Hi,
> So I can use a KH intake manifold and throttle body on an MC-1 based,
> 034 EFI turbo motor.  This will provide more clearance for the fuel rail.
> My question is how does this intake setup compared to the MC style,
> as far as flow is concerned?  Is it the same, or close enough?
> I'm just wondering, because most of the stuff Audi made has gotten
> better as time moves forward, such as single knock sensor to two
> knock sensors, 8.4 c/r from 7.8 c/r, water cooled from not, single pass
> IC from double, flush door handles from broken pot metal ones, and so
> forth.  I realize there are plenty of examples of the opposite situation.
> Both intakes say "turbo" on them, right?  I have to look around for some
> KH examples.  Anyone care to shoot me some links to some KH motor
> pics?
> Thanks,
> Ken

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