turbo rebuilding... do it yourself???

Konstantine Bogach kbogach at home.com
Thu Dec 6 00:05:33 EST 2001

It is pretty easy job. No special tools required except thin c-clip pliers. Kits are available.
US sources quoted me for $125,  Gerard from South Africa found and sent it to me for $50 but it
was the only kit in the store. I disassembled 2 turbos and broke one stud in hot side housing in
both.  Host side nuts/studs are most tricky part in the job. You can get your turbo rebuilt for
$280 (a place in Texas, sorry I don't remember ). Now when my curiosity is satisfied I am not
sure I will do it myself next time.  I will see how I remove broken stud - I did not do it yet.
The stud should be very hard.  From other hand it seems to me that I have more chance not to
break a stud doing this job another time.  Heating nuts and HUMMERING SLIGHTLY combination
wrench rather then exert brutal steady force on it should do the job.
Another caveat: I had to send out shaft and compressor wheel for balancing today because  I
forgot to mark  position of the compressor wheel in respect to turbine wheel. Did it on one
turbo and forgot on another one. Damn!

There is a spec for wear on internal parts (thanks to Ameer).   Let me know if you need it.

Konstantin Bogach.

> From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org>
> To: "'audi list'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: turbo rebuilding... do it yourself???
> Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 11:00:10 -0500
> Question for you experts with turbos.
> Is do it yourself turbo rebuilding possible?  How difficult is it?  Need
> special tools?  Rebuilding kits available?
> Thanks
> Rob
> 86 5ktq (soon to have a K-24)
> 89 200tqa

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