Noisy 4kq bottom end

Perry, Christoper (EDS) chris.perry at
Thu Dec 6 09:59:59 EST 2001

Get the car up on axle stands, support the motor from the top, drop the sub
frame and the oil pan, and replace the bearings.

I had the same thing happen with an 83 4000.  It started with a clacking or
slapping sound between 2500 and 3000 RPM.  I couldn't figure out what it
was.  On the next oil change (several thousand miles later) There were metal
bits in there.  I found the number one big-end bearing half gone.  I bought
a new set of bearings and put them in but by then it was too late.  The
crankshaft was out of round and the rod was toast, ate through the new
bearing in about 10 miles.

If you are at all mechanical the job is not that tough, just remember
orientation and numbering of the bearing caps. With 220K it would probably
be a good idea.

My .02, others may differ.  Good luck with what ever you decide to do.

Chris Perry

-----Original Message-----
From: GMBCHEF at [mailto:GMBCHEF at]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 9:31 AM
To: quattro at
Subject: Noisy 4kq bottom end

Hey, guys. I'm hearing something in my engine thats an intermittent clacking
sound from around the bottom end. Is this the beginning of a rod or crank
bearing failure?
Engine is still running very smooth and powerfully, oil is clean and full,
has probly over 220k miles on it.
How can I make sure that its NOT the bottom end going south?

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