stupid car tricks

Calvin Krug ckrug at
Thu Dec 6 19:16:11 EST 2001

OK, it's really time for me to sell my 200, as it is behaving quite strangely.
Yesterday, I was running some errands at lunch.  I pulled into the
parking lot, shut off the car, and tried to get out. The doors were
locked... wouldn't unlock at the knob.  I rolled down the window,
tried it with the key in the door lock - nothing.  Put the key back
in the ignition, start the car, try the locks one last time, and just
the front doors unlock.  After buying the stuff I need, I come back
out, and now it won't start. It cranks, but doesn't fire. After about
ten minutes and a little shot of starting fluid, it goes.  End of the
day, I want to go home, the doors are locked again, key in the
ignition. Luckliy, windows are open.  Sometime overnight, in my
garage, they locked one more time. I decide not to take any chances
and drive my 4000 instead.  Anyone know how to remove evil spirits
from german cars?  I really don't need this right now.

Calvin K.

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