5kt/q weight

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 6 22:31:56 EST 2001

At 08:58 PM 12/6/01, you wrote:
>I just noticed something really strange today, a KH-motor 5kT has 4100+ lbs
>on the ID sticker behind the driver's door. I thought the weight of the 5kT
>was something like 3000 for the FWD and 3300 for the quattros. The Audiworld
>ref. shows 3086 lbs and 3351 lbs. Also SJM says 3042 lbs and 3351 lbs. So
>what's the real weight? Isn't it really what's on the door? I wonder what
>the tq sticker says....Thanks for any explanation.

The weight on the doorjamb should be the GVWR, which is the maximum
allowable weight the chassis can handle legally.  This is the weight of the
car + fuel and fluids + passengers + luggage + the tongue weight of any
towed trailer.  To get the base weight of the car, try subtracting the
stated payload capacity from the GVWR, this will give (approximately) the
actual weight of the car.

George Selby
83 Audi Coupe GT
gselby4x4 at earthlink.net

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