The BIG sale...concerns about me being a lister...

urq urq at
Thu Dec 6 22:45:44 EST 2001

I'm sorry, but I happen to disagree here.  How does one draw the line
between "good deals" and "tons of spam?"  In the past when this issue has
come up the main concern is that once you allow this sort of thing it can
tend to increase unless it is challenged.  Of course Dan is the one with the
ultimate say, so if it is OK with him I would not have as serious an
objection.  That said, it sure seems to me that there are people who use the
list more as a means to make bucks parting out cars and the like as opposed
to truly contributing to the overall audifans community.  The thing that
frosts me the most is that people are taking advantage of Dan Simoes'
generosity in the process.  That's uncool in my book ... maybe that's just
me though.  If I happened across a killer deal for some parts inventory and
I thought I would take advantage of the audifans group in turning it around
I would certainly run it past the listmeister before posting ... and you can
bet that he would be at the front of the line with a cut of the proceeds.

Sure "hit the delete key" is the quick answer ... but that still takes time.
I am already at the point where I can not participate here as much as I once
did ... it is embarrassing to think of the number of unread messages in my
inbox.  At some point the effort of trying to keep up is futile.

Perhaps the reason it bothers me so much is because I know the list webpage
has an ideal mechanism for offering deals to the audifans ... thanks to Mark
Chang.  I think that if everyone who had a killer deal for the list would
simply place an ad in the marketplace there wouldn't be a problem.  That way
the people who are bothered by commercial posts will not have to "hit the
delete key," and the people who are interested in snagging those bargains
can make the effort to check.  I know I like to check the marketplace myself
when I have a chance ... and I've gotten some good deals there ...

My tuppence ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

----- Original Message -----

I agree with Ben..though I would hate to see tons of spam and "retail"
offers being bombarded on the list, I think "good deals" and special offers,
_from other listers_ is a great thing.

I use the list as a huge resource for sourcing parts, and like to think that
any offering I have given to the list (Re: FS...) were special offers that
benefitied the buyer (beyond what they would have been benefited sans the

As we all know in the business world, good sourcing channels can often make
or brake an effort, and I consider the list to be a very good channel for
sourcing parts for my efforts, and would hate to see that change.  I think
Dave's offer is good enough to be benificial to those who chose to click
through to the page.  If not, a simple delete would end it right there.

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