Any experience with electric impact guns?

Seth Noble ymiatgmi at
Fri Dec 7 11:49:16 EST 2001

josh, you've come to the right place, because i have some excellent advice
for you.
i just used a craftsman professional 1/2" impact on a tranny job that i
helped a friend with. i can't praise it enough. here's what i did though: go
to a USED tool store and see what they have to offer. i checked out my local
shop and they had guns ranging from 60-$250. the craftsman was $80 and would
have been worth twice that any day. you can still find them in excellent
shape at used tool shops too. be sure to check end-play and side to side
wobble of the output shaft. most used tool places will let you try it out on
your car before you buy it too. (taking off a tire or something in the
parking lot)
don't buy the cheap crap. it'll last a while, then you'll kick yourself for
compromising. just look around a while. good luck,

>From: josh Wyte <josh_wyte at>
>To: quattro at, A4 at, scirocco-l at
>CC: vw-vr6 at
>Subject: Any experience with electric impact guns?
>Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 06:06:14 -0800 (PST)
>Sorry bout the total cross posting guys.
>Please reply privately to me...
>I need to buy an impact gun to work on my project and
>I've priced out several.  There's the $180 Craftsman
>300 ft lb one, then Harbor Freight has several.
>However, Harbor Frieght has 2 that cost $49.99 and
>seem to have about the same specs as the ones that
>cost closer to $200.  They're made by Chicago Electric
>Industrial.  240 ft lbs of torque, 120 Volts, 7 Amps,
>2400 BPM, 2100 RPM unloaded.
>Primarily I'll be using it to break free suspension
>bolts, lug bolts etc...
>Anyone heard of this/used it with good results?
>Obviously I'm attracted by the super low price tag in
>comparison to the others.  I can actually buy one of
>these *and* a set of impact sockets and still eat real
>food!  :-)
>Josh Wyte
>Momentum Motorsports
>508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST
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