battery-powered electric impact guns

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Dec 7 14:00:38 EST 2001

At 12:40 PM 12/07/2001 -0500, Lee M. Levitt wrote:

>Hmm. I am trying to solve the same problem as Josh, but I want to go
>cordless (for autocrossing). I picked up a 12 volt Makita (off ebay) and
>found it just didn't have the oomph to crack the lugbolts.
>Next I'm going to try a higher voltage unit, we'll see what happens.
Guy who came to the motel I used to own to service the big linen dryers
(like the big dryers you see in laundromats) had 18-volt DeWalt
impacts.   He said he could take care of most of his impact work with
those.  Like removing the nut that holds the shaft that carries the entire
drum assembly.  Similar to an axle nut.  He also carried a 3/4 drive
breaker bar that must have been nearly three feet long "just in case".

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