should I clean pistons/cylinder tops ...

William Ng audi200quattro at
Fri Dec 7 12:32:18 EST 2001

If they are really carbon-ed up, and I assume the engine block is still in
the car...a simple, gentle way to remove the carbon is to fill the
cylinders with ATF and let sit for 24 hours. The high detergency will
loosen and dissolve the carbon. Then remove the ATF. Note though, this
technique was done to engines with the head still on, and ATF poured in
through the sparkplug holes.

This comes from a dealership mechanic. Which dealer, I have no info on.


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 23:43:09 -0500
From: Konstantine Bogach <kbogach at>
Reply-To: kbogach at
To: quattro at
Subject: should I clean pistons/cylinder tops ...

before installing a head?  How to do that?  Sorry for such kind of
question - it is an area where I am superstitiously afraid to screw
something up.  It is  first time I do such job.

Thank you.
Konstantin Bogach.

William Ng
1990 200 quattro
audi200quattro at    willng at

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