Cats (NAC)
george mills
gamills at
Fri Dec 7 17:34:25 EST 2001
>Traurig, Scott R wrote:
>>Wow, this is really weird. Are Audi owners more likely to own cats, or vice
>>versa? Not an anti-cat comment in the bunch, either. Just try that on other
>I restrained myself. My financee rescued "Oreo" (I have
>other names for it) from the gas chamber. She's 6 years
>old, weighs about 17 pounds, and the only time she is
>awake is when she's looking for food.
>She's so big it would hurt to kick her across the
>I got her (the fiancee, not the cat) an aquarium a
>year ago to keep her getting a cat. It didn't work.
>who prefers dogs
That's *not* a cat. When I was being raised out in western Canada to
be the fine gentleman (cough) I am today, we also raised a bobcat
(member of the lynx family that comes with spots) with the appropriate
name of Leo. Seems one of my 'great white hunter' father's buddies did
one in and they found a litter of two kits close by. One of them came
to us as "hey, look at the cute kitty." We bottle fed it and got it
onto cat food. Got to be a couple feet high from paw to shoulder.
Didn't like being in the house so we kept it outside on the
clothesline at night on a sliding type of leash. During the day we let
him run loose if someone was around. Neighbours were kinda shy of the
thing :) There were a bunch o' dogs in the neighbourhood...not one
would ever venture into the yard. Leo would just park at the end of
the driveway to get a good looksee what was happening. Kinda funny to
watch. Big ol' dog comes trotting down the road one day, stops short,
has a sniff, has a look, comes at Leo full force. Back arches, ungodly
sound comes out of that kitty (if you've ever heard one in the wild
you'll know what I mean), and the doggy tries screeching to a halt
before getting up close and personal. To late, too close, and dog hair
is flying all over the place. Dog lost the battle but lived to tell
about it. Shortly after that Leo decided he wanted to be in the wild,
wild west and split for the open country. I miss that kitty :)
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