need some 4kq wheel info

RM waves at
Sat Dec 8 09:07:55 EST 2001

Yup, I've done this already. I've found the 15 inchers (14's come on the
early 80/90 series) from a 91 100 fit perfectly. I actually use them for my
winter tire/wheel set-up. I have a set of 15 inch Borbetts for summer. The
nice part about the audi wheel is they are relatively strong and of course,
they are the proper offset. Plus these wheels can be found fairly easily and
for a decent cost. Lastly, the looks is awesome. I know it's a matter of
personal opinion, but it is a clean installation and looks espcially nice on
a 4kq.

rolf mair

87 4kq (in need of a turbo engine)
69 camaro conv. big block SS
77 Scirocco racer car
etc etc etc

Message: 13
Subject: need some 4kq wheel info
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 09:01:08 -0500
From: "Roa, Greg" <Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM>
To: <quattro at>

Hello all,
Just wondering, if anyone has put the rims from an 89-90ish Audi 100 fwd
onto a 4kq?  The ones that I am looking at are the ones that are similar
to the 90 CS from 93-95.  They kind of look like the AMG monoblock rims,
but with a little curvature to them.  Not a very good description I
Anyhow, was wondering if anyone has tried them on for size, and how they
looked.  Pictures would be wonderful too.  I'd like to keep some Audi
rims on my car, but without trying them on, it's kind of hard to
visualize the result.

Greg Roa

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