steering / ignition lock removal!!!

Ameer Antar ameer at
Sat Dec 8 15:16:49 EST 2001

So, I've been trying to take out the ignition and steering lock housing from
an '84 5kT. The manual says to drill into stud holding the steering lock
housing to the column and use a a stud extractor to get it out. Anyone have
any experience doing this? I never used a stud extractor before, and I'm not
sure how or if it would be the right thng. It seems like I could drill a
small hole in the stud, then use a left-handed thread bolt to remove it. Is
that what a stud extractor is, or is it better? Also another problem I see,
is the frame behind the dash is in the way for me to drill straight through
the stud...I think it would be better to remove the upper steering column
retaining bolts, then lower it a bit and then drill. But the manual only
says to remove those bolts after the lock housing is out...and I can see
why, b/c the lock cylinder is sticking through the dash, and wouldn't allow
the colum to go down...unless maybe I pulled out the dash....I think there's
gotta be a better way...Any experiences or advice would be very helpful.


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